

Sunday, September 6, 2015

its okay to be a little sore.

My hat is old and tattered from all the days spent trying.
Your hat is new and pretty from all the days spent thriving.  

You let me try yours on once 
but then you noticed I was happier wearing your hat 
and so you took it back.

You took away the only happiness I had ever known
the only happiness I had ever wanted.

So I stood there alone while reality came rushing back.
Insecurity running cold through my veins all linked back to my beat up old blue baseball cap.

I've been hiding behind this hat for so long
..for too long.

The hat ripping at the seams.
Beat up, worn out and torn.

The hat is less of a hat now.
Now only patches and holes.

And I am tired.
Tired of wearing this hat.
Sick of letting the rips in my hat become rips into my soul.
Sick of remembering what I once had and what I have now
and how they aren't the same.

But one day you came back.

And I was standing in the same place.
With failure beating in my chest and the same insecurity running through my veins. 

 You came back, this time with your same hat now worn out with holes.

I asked him why he would ever let his once beautiful hat become so out of control.

You told me that life is meant to be lived. 
And that its okay if we come out a little worn out and torn.

He said that the holes can be patched and the tears can be sown.
He said we aren't meant to live life without coming back out a little sore.

And so I put back on my torn up old blue baseball cap 
and left.

Only this time with excitement flowing warm through my veins
and confidence beating softly in my chest.

Because he said Its okay to be a little worn out and sore.

And I wanted to believe him. 


  1. "You told me that life is meant to be lived.
    And that its okay if we come out a little worn out and torn."
    I loved this line and I really loved the theme behind this post. Great Job!

  2. "confidence beating softly in my chest". in love with that line.

  3. "He said we aren't meant to live life without coming back out a little sore"
    mm this was great.

  4. I wanted to believe him.

    I like this a lot

  5. i love the aesthetic of your blog. so clean & fresh & pretty
    ( also good choice with tom odell )

  6. With failure beating in my chest

    this whole post gave me chills. made me feel.
